Ugly morning, ugly route. Here’s some of what passed before my eyes.
Ugly morning, ugly route. Here’s some of what passed before my eyes.
A photographer I watched on YouTube yesterday said the most important photographic gear is between the ears. True.
This morning, I chose to walk along Bathurst Street, with its old strip malls and high rise apartments, made uglier by piles of dirty snow. I brought my Olympus OMD-EM1 mirrorless digital camera, with the Digital II R 14-42mm kit lens

I put too much emphasis on the gear I bring along on my walk. I rank my lenses, with “kit” zoom lenses lower down the scale than vintage large aperture prime lenses that isolate the in-focus subject in out-of-focus ‘bokeh’. I assume that a great large aperture prime lens on a clear not-too-cold day and flowers, will make for a ‘better’ outing than a grim ‘60s and ‘70s and ‘80s urban landscape.
I use software to transform a dull snapshot of an ordinary streetscape or ‘parkscape’ into something that is brighter and seems more interesting. Some of this is done by bringing out more detail. I think the transformation can be from “so boring; why take a picture of that?; how do I get that second of my life back!”, to “interesting; that - those trees, that path, the brick of that house - conveys a sort of mood.”
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